- Influence of spray drying encapsulation on the retention of antioxidant properties and microstructure of flaxseed protein hydrolysates.
Influence of spray drying encapsulation on the retention of antioxidant properties and microstructure of flaxseed protein hydrolysates.
In this research, bioactive peptides produced from flaxseed protein by alcalase, pancreatin, trypsin and pepsin, were encapsulated by spray drying. After analysis of amino acid composition and antioxidant properties of hydrolysates, the effect of spray-drying encapsulation via different maltodextrin (MD) to hydrolysate ratios (1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 w/w) on the production yield, physicochemical properties, functional activities, chemical structure, and morphology of final powder particles were evaluated. Among the hydrolysates, peptides produced with alcalase had the highest hydrolysis degree (38.2%), hydrophobic amino acids (255 mg/g) and antioxidants (126 mg/g). Among spray-dried samples, the powders obtained by 3:1 w/w ratio (MD: peptide) showed the highest radical scavenging activity for DPPH- (68.93%), ABTS+ (85.62%), hydroxyl (94.97%), nitric oxide (64.03%), reducing power (95.49%), total antioxidant activity (96.68%), and iron (95.31%) and copper (95.49%) chelating activity. Evaluation of chemical structure (FTIR) indicated that hydrolysates were coated and dispersed within maltodextrin matrix. SEM images showed the effect of different carrier ratios on the production of irregular and shrunk particles with different sizes and matrix-type structures.