Pyrex® Media-Lab Bottles, wide mouth, with polypropylene cap and pouring ring, with printed trace code
capacity 5000 mL
Pyrex, SciLabware 1523/16
About This Item
Doporučené produkty
borosilicate glass bottle
polypropylene cap
round bottle
white graduation
Joints threaded neck (GLS80)
with cap
with pouring ring
with printed trace code
pack of 1 ea
SciLabware 1523/16
314 mm
body diam.
182 mm
5000 mL
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General description
- Bottles complete with polypropylene screwcap and drip-free pouring ring
- Manufactured from Pyrex borosilicate glass with proven temperature and chemical resistance qualities
- GLS 80 screwthread provides increased access compared to GL 45 bottles aiding filling and pouring
- Ideal for use with viscous liquids, pastes, powders, granules and larger solids
- Printed with Trace Code for downloadable batch certificate
- Batch certificate available to download from
- White enamel graduations and marking spot
- Autoclavable
- Screwcaps and pouring rings can withstand temperatures up to 140 deg. C
Features and Benefits
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