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Duran® Gl 45 Bottle Carrying System



Přihlásitk zobrazení cen stanovených pro organizaci a smluvních cen

About This Item



yellow polypropylene


pkg of 1 ea


DURAN® 292806304


use with DURAN® Original GL 45 Bottle

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General description

The Bottle Carrying System range fits standard laboratory bottles that have a GL 45 neck finish, and are available for four bottle sizes: 2, 5, 10 or 20 litres. The carriers are ergonomically designed, and offer health and safety benefits to the user. They allow the easy and safe transport of bottles around the laboratory or production facility. All materials are fully autoclavable. The collar that fits to the neck of the bottle is only removable by cutting, so the attachment is 100 % secure in use.


The new modular Bottle Carrying System fi ts standard laboratorybottles that have a GL 45 neck fi nish and is compatible with fourbottle sizes 2, 5, 10 and 20 litres. It is ergonomically designed, ando ers health & safety benefi ts to the user and allows easy and safetransport of bottles around the laboratory or production facility.

Features and Benefits

All materials are fully autoclavable.

Legal Information

DURAN is a registered trademark of DWK Life Sciences

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