- Thermoluminescence of photostimulable materials after X irradiation below room temperature.
Thermoluminescence of photostimulable materials after X irradiation below room temperature.
Radiation protection dosimetry (2002-10-18)
S Nakamura, H Iwasa, T Kurobori, K Inabe
Thermoluminescence glow peaks in the temperature range 100 to 400 K are investigated for BaFX (X = Cl, Br) crystals after X irradiation at 100 K. A prominent glow peak of BaFCl around 210 K is found to be composed of a few recombination roots, that is, the peak corresponds to the recombination of hole trapped centres such as an O- centre and a dissociated Cl2- centre with the F (F-) centre and the O2--F(Cl-) pair defect. Another small glow peak around 270 K is likely to occur from thermal dissociation of the O2- -F(Cl-) pair defect. The main glow peak of BaFBr:O2- at 170 K may be attributed to a recombination of an O- centre with the F(Br-) centre.