Polystyrene Cooler Return Program

For United States Customers Only
For our customers in the United States, we are pleased to offer our Polystyrene Cooler Return Program. This program helps eliminate waste sent to landfills and create #SmallerFootprints.
To contribute, you simply need to follow three short steps:
- After you receive your insulated order from Merck, remove the product from the cooler, making sure to leave the empty cooler in the box.
- Put the cooler lid back on the container and then flip the flaps of the box so the pre-paid postage stamp is on the outside of the container. Seal the container using shipping tape.
- Drop off the box at any location where the United States Postal Service picks up mail.
The box will be returned to Merck to be inspected and returned to service for another order.
Merck completed a third-party-verified life cycle analysis of the Polystyrene Cooler Return Program and found it helped decrease CO2 emissions related to the use of polystyrene coolers.
In an effort to reduce our use of polystyrene, we’ve also begun to pilot our new fully recyclable Greener Cooler from our East Coast distribution center in the US.
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