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The frequency of mucolipidosis type IV in the Ashkenazi Jewish population and the identification of 3 novel MCOLN1 mutations.

Human mutation (2005-11-16)
Gideon Bach, Michael B T Webb, Ruth Bargal, Marcia Zeigler, Joseph Ekstein

Mucolipidosis type IV (MLIV) is a neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorder that occurs in an increased frequency in the Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) population. The frequency of the disease in this population has been established by the testing of 66,749 AJ subjects in the Dor Yeshorim program, a unique premarital population-screening program designed for the Orthodox Jewish community. A carrier rate of 0.0104 (95% C.I 0.0097-0.011) was found. The distribution of the 2 AJ founder mutations, namely, c.416-2A>G and c.1_788del, was determined to be 78.15% and 21.85%, respectively. Three novel mutations were identified in non-Jewish MLIV patients, a missense mutation c.1207C>T, p.Arg403Cys; a 2bp deletion, c.302_303delTC; and a nonsense, c.235C>T, Gln79X.