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Auricular acupuncture for the treatment of nonepileptic seizures: A pilot study.

Epilepsy & behavior : E&B (2020-08-08)
Edward Maa, Matthew Applegate, Angela Keniston

The aim of this pilot study was to examine the safety and tolerability of an eight-week treatment of twice weekly auricular acupuncture as a therapeutic intervention for the treatment of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES). The secondary aim was to determine if auricular acupuncture was effective at reducing PNES event frequency. Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures are as common as multiple sclerosis and are highly resistant to intervention. Unfortunately, there is no standard of care therapy, although mental health treatment referrals are commonly made. Acupuncture is felt to be a safe and cost-effective treatment for many diseases and symptoms including mental health disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and conversion disorders. We propose to examine auricular acupuncture as a treatment for PNES. A single-center, 16-week trial of auricular acupuncture was designed: a four-week baseline period, followed by an eight-week active treatment period during which subjects received twice weekly auricular acupuncture, then followed by a four-week washout period. Tolerability was defined as completion of 12 of 16 treatments. Successful compliance with seizure diary was defined as >80%, or 100 of 120 days completed. Safety profile was established and seizure count per week was also calculated. A total of 29 subjects enrolled from a consecutive sample of 73 PNES diagnoses discharging from our epilepsy unit. Twenty-two subjects entered the study with 91% completing more than 12 of 16 treatments, 91% meeting the endpoint of completing >80% of diary entries. Adverse events were mild, and only two subjects were withdrawn due to increased PNES frequency. Although short-term in design, using one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), we observed a statistically significant reduction in seizure count from baseline at treatment month one, treatment month two, and at the washout period (p = 0.0083). Eleven of 12 subjects (52.3%) who received at least one treatment recorded a 50% frequency reduction. Three of 21 subjects (14%) were PNES-free at the end of the study. Auricular acupuncture is well-tolerated in a population with PNES and exhibits similar event frequency reductions as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). We believe that this is the first literature report examining auricular acupuncture for the treatment of PNES.