- Kinetics of carbosulfan hydrolysis to carbofuran and the subsequent degradation of this last compound in irrigated rice fields.
Kinetics of carbosulfan hydrolysis to carbofuran and the subsequent degradation of this last compound in irrigated rice fields.
Chemosphere (2005-05-26)
Luís Pedro de Melo Plese, Lourival Costa Paraiba, Luiz Lonardoni Foloni, Luiz Roberto Pimentel Trevizan
The objectives of this work were estimate the reaction rates of hydrolysis of carbosulfan to carbofuran and subsequent degradation of this last compound in irrigated rice fields, and the respective half life, in aquatic environment and soil solution, by mean of numerical solution of differential ordinary linear equations system that describes the kinetics of insecticide concentrations. The results indicated that the carbosulfan and carbofuran have low persistence in water and medium persistence in soil solution of tropical irrigated rice fields. However, both compounds can be found in laminar water and soil solution in concentration above environmental and human safety limits.