- [Changes in female reproduction induced by ammonium metavanadate in Swiss albino mice].
[Changes in female reproduction induced by ammonium metavanadate in Swiss albino mice].
Female reproduction alterations induced by vanadium salts, taken in periods no related with mating/gestation, correlated with histological alterations has not been reported. Vanadium is a metal from VB group of periodical table, and it has been detected in high concentrations in heavy petroleum produced in this region of our country, there have not had investigations about vanadium effect on species reproduction. In this work 100 and 200 ppm doses of ammonium vanadate (A.M.V.) prepared with demineralized water were administered orally to swiss albino mice in different periods. The administration of vanadium salt was suspended before mating. Pregnant mice were allowed to deliver and a statistical analysis were performed to pregnancy percent and pups means. Non pregnant mice were killed after 21 days of mating. Uterus and ovaries were weight, luteal bodies were counted and histological samples of ovaries were prepared. The results shown a non significative increase of pregnancy (p < 1) in mice exposed from weaning to adult, for animals exposed to maximum concentrations 200 ppm a significative reduction of pregnancy (p = 0.00001), to mean pups were detected (z = 0.68), and number of luteal bodies (s = 3.3 +/- 0.5). The microscopic observation shown polycystic ovary, atresic follicular increasing, follicle in mature stage and luteal bodies; hard decreasing; hard depletion was observed in thecoluteic cells of luteal bodies. A.M.V. modify reproduction even though if exposition have been made in period before mating and pregnancy. As doses and exposition periods increase detrimental effects induces alteration in the follicular phase and luteal of ovarian cycle. Epidemiological and genetic studies are recommended in regions where vanadium concentrations are high, and the drinking water and foods are contaminated with this metal, in order to know how it affect human reproduction.