- (+)-Pinoresinol is a putative hypoglycemic agent in defatted sesame (Sesamum indicum) seeds though inhibiting α-glucosidase.
(+)-Pinoresinol is a putative hypoglycemic agent in defatted sesame (Sesamum indicum) seeds though inhibiting α-glucosidase.
Defatted sesame seeds have been reported for hypoglycemic effect in mice and T2DM women. An attempted to identify active components responsible for this effect was conducted using α-glucosidase-guided fractionation, resulting in the isolation of various lignans. Of compounds isolated, only (+)-pinoresinol showed inhibitory activity against rat intestinal maltase with an IC(50) value of 34.3 μM. The kinetic study indicated that enzymatic hydrolysis of maltose is inhibited by (+)-pinoresinol through competitive and noncompetitive manners. However, a lower dissociation constant (k(i) 288 M) of EI complex suggested that competitive inhibition is predominant over noncompetitive mode (k'(i) 1342 M).