- Calenzanane sesquiterpenes from the red seaweed Laurencia microcladia from the Bay of Calenzana, Elba Island: acid-catalyzed stereospecific conversion of calenzanol into indene- and guaiazulene-type sesquiterpenes.
Calenzanane sesquiterpenes from the red seaweed Laurencia microcladia from the Bay of Calenzana, Elba Island: acid-catalyzed stereospecific conversion of calenzanol into indene- and guaiazulene-type sesquiterpenes.
It is shown here that calenzanane sesquiterpenes (1 and 6) can be isolated from organic extracts from the red seaweed Laurencia microcladia KĆ¼tzing from the Bay of Calenzana, Elba Island, provided contact with acidic media is minimized. Such contact induces rearrangements of 1 in dry solvents to indene-type 5 and the blue-colored guaiazulenium-type ion 17, via spectrometrically (NMR) characterized indene-type transient intermediates 10, 14, and 12. Addition of NEt(3) to the reaction mixture at appropriate stages allowed the isolation of 12 (and 8 on workup on SiO(2)), and guaiazulene (18). Prolonged contact with silica gel led to complete degradation of 1, giving calenzanane-type epimeric enones 20 a/20 b as well as indene-type epimeric carbinols 22 a/22 b and fulvene 7. The latter was also formed during silica-gel flash chromatography of the algal extracts. A unifying mechanistic view of these branching and cascade transformations may have both heuristic value, suggesting possible artefact origin of azulenoids, and synthetic applications.