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Compendial Testing & Regulatory Guidance

A blister pack of green pills, each marked with a white check mark, indicating they are approved or verified.

Drug sponsors and applicants are required to propose specifications (i.e., attributes, analytical procedures, and acceptance criteria) for the excipients, drug substances and drug products in their applications.

These specifications should adhere to the quality standards in the United States Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary (USP/NF), the British Pharmacopoeia (BP), the European Pharmacopoeia (EP), or the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP).

Compendial pharmacopoeia tests are standardized protocols for many pharmaceutical raw materials and finished products. Testing and compliance to these standards detailed within compendial methods is a basic requirement for global manufacturing, release and distribution of pharmaceutical ingredients and drug products.

Speak to an expert today and get further support on compendial testing and complying to regulatory requirements.  

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