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Voltage Gated
Cell Signaling & Neuroscience Voltage-Gated Ion Channels. The majority of ion channels fall into two broad categories: voltage-gated ion channels (VGIC) and ligand-gated ion channels (LGIC). Members of the VGIC superfamily are usually closed at the resting potential of
Peptide Impurities
Peptide Impurities
Centrifugation-free Protein Extraction and Purification from Total Cultures of Baculovirus-infected Insect Cells
Centrifugation-free Protein Extraction and Purification from Total Cultures of Baculovirus-infected Insect Cells
Sensor Dyes
Nitric oxide (NO) as a signal transporter in neurons, endothelial cells and in the immune system.
Ni-NTA-Atto Conjugates
Ni-NTA-Atto conjugates provide specific and highly sensitive detection of His-tagged fusion proteins.
The Role of Liver Transporters in Drug-Drug Interactions
Oral drug delivery involves dissolution in the small intestine and absorption across the enterocyte barrier into the portal vein followed by subsequent delivery through the liver into the systemic circulation.
Membrane Integrity Test for Lipid-PAMPA Artificial Membranes
This is a protocol for a Membrane Integrity test for Lipid-PAMPA Artificial Membranes
VEGF Pathway
Read review on VEGF signaling pathway (Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)/VEGF receptor) and find related products.
Automated IgG Purification Using PureProteom
PureProteome™ Protein A and G Magnetic beads provide a rapid and reproducible means to purify immunoglobulins (IgG) using the KingFisher Duo particle processor.
Analytical Enzyme Chymotrypsin: Chymotrypsin is produced in the acinar cells of the pancreas as the inactive precursor, chymotrypsinogen.
Simple, efficient extraction of protein from hepatocytes with CytoBuster™ Reagent
CytoBuster Protein Extraction Reagent is a formulation of detergents prepared for the efficient extraction of soluble proteins from mammalian cells
Single Molecule Detection with Atto 647N NTA
Significant improvement of single molecule tracking by using superior fluorescent NTA-Atto 647N conjugate
Fragmentation of chromatin in ChIP
Fragmentation of chromatin in Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
Guides to cell number for ChIP and endpoint analysis
Guides to cell number for Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and endpoint analysis
Isoelectric Focusing
Information on Isoelectric Focusing including what it is and how it is used. In order to ensure the high performance of analysis, isoelectric point (pI) standards are needed.
Improving Reproducibility: Best Practices for Antibodies
In the midst of beeping lab timers, presentations and grant deadlines, it is easy to take for granted the quality of lab reagents.
Duolink® Proximity Ligation Assay Instructional Video
This video will show you step-by-step how to perform a Duolink® PLA experiment with cells on a slide that have already been fixed and permeabilized by the user.
BioUltra Chelators. A chelate is a water-soluble complex between a metal ion and a complexing agent. It usually does not dissociate easily in solution, but forms an inert complex.
Detect, Visualize and Quantify Single Post-Translational Modifications
Sigma-Aldrich presents a Biofiles on Detect, Visualize and Quantify Single Post-Translational Modifications
ChIP Troubleshooting Tips
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Troubleshooting Tips
Nanodisc Technology: A Revolutionary System for Study of Membrane Proteins
Read our article about how the Nanodisc system allows for structural studies of membrane proteins.
Sera-Mag™ and Sera-Mag SpeedBeads Magnetic Particles
Sera-Mag and Sera-Mag SpeedBeads provide cost effective magnetic bead separation technology for molecular biology applications, nucleic acid isolation, and research immunoassays.
High-Performance Quantitative H-1 NMR
The signal ratio of two different protons can be measured with tremendous precision, which enables the generation of certified reference materials for use as qNMR standards.
HPLC Analysis of Various Cationic Polymers on TSKgel® PWXL-CP Columns
Separation of Polyacrylic acid (PAA) 438 kDa; Polyacrylic acid (PAA) 235 kDa; Polyethylenimine (PEI) 266 kDa ; Poly(dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride) (PIDADMACl) 204 kDa; p-Aminosalicylic acid (PAS) 7800 Da; p-Aminosalicylic acid (PAS) 257 kDa; Cationic dextran (11 kDa); Chitosan
Understanding the Complexities of Kosher Ingredients
A white paper explaining the complexities of Kosher Ingredients, Benefits for the Food Industry, Considerations for Kosher Certification.
Virus Cultivation
Cell lines for vaccine production and cultivation of SARS CoV-2 and other viruses. Primary, human diploid, and continuous culture cell lines for the propagation of viruses and virus-based vaccines.
3D Cell Culture with Corning Microplates
Take a deep dive into the world of 3D cell culture courtesy of Corning and understand why the Corning® spheroid microplate can be an asset in the evolution of 3D cell culture.
Advanced Cell Culture Technology for Generation of In Vivo-like Tissue Models
Sophisticated models are developing as 3D cell culture technology becomes established and accepted as a means of creating more physiologically relevant cell-based assays.
Validation of RNAi Knockdown Using Multiple Reaction Monitoring and Protein-AQUA
The field of proteomics is continually looking for new ways to investigate protein dynamics within complex biological samples. Recently, many researchers have begun to use RNA interference (RNAi) as a method of manipulating protein levels within their samples, but the
Comparing Quantitative Viability Bioassays: An Evaluation of MTT, alamarBlue™, and Guava® ViaCount® Methods
This article shows a comparison of the quantitative viability bioassays MTT, alamarBlue™, and Guava® ViaCount®.
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