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Evaluation of the carcinogenic potential of pesticides. 3. Aliette.

Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP (1991-08-01)
J A Quest, K L Hamernik, R Engler, W L Burnam, P A Fenner-Crisp

Aliette, a fungicide compound, was evaluated for carcinogenic potential by the Health Effects Division of the Office of Pesticide Programs using a consensus peer review process and EPA's guidelines for risk assessment. Aliette was categorized as a group C (possible human) carcinogen based upon evidence of an increased incidence of combined benign and malignant urinary bladder tumors in a single study involving male Charles River (CR) CD rats. The bladder tumors occurred only at the unusually high top dose level of aliette that was tested (40,000/30,000 ppm). The compound was not carcinogenic in female CR-CD rats in the same study, or in CD-1 mice of either sex in a second study. Monosodium phosphite, the main urinary metabolite of aliette, was also not carcinogenic in male or female CR-CD rats. Aliette was not demonstrated to be genotoxic. No structural analogues of aliette were identified. The mechanism of action for the production of bladder tumors was not identified; however, it did not appear to involve a genotoxic effect, a carcinogenic effect of metabolites, or the formation of renal stones. The data were not found to be sufficient to quantify human cancer risk from aliette.